We are pleased to report that the Granite Gambit program continues into the new school year with several activities, including school visits from Jerry Nash and Chess in Education – US in September. You will need to act quickly if you wish to take advantage of any of these.
September Activity Options
With the continuing sponsorship of Granite Gambit by the NH Department of Education utilizing federal ESSER funding, we are excited to offer three activities in late September at no charge to schools:
Option 1. Professional Development: CIE Instructor Training – Level 2 Certification
The two-day class will be held on September 27 and 28 at Manchester Community College if there is enough interest. (Minimum of five students registered by Thursday, September 12, 2024). Link to Registration Page
Option 2. Professional Development: A half day (or less) “Intro to Chess in Education” class at your school. We would work with students, interested teachers and administrators in a classroom setting.
Option 3. School Visit – Jerry Nash and Paul Roberts are available to help you with a kickoff activity at your school on the following dates: September 25, 26, 27,and 30, 2024. (These dates could change if we hold the Level 2 training). The following information includes which activities he can lead and the information we would need to schedule your school.
School visit activity options:
- Option A: Lesson to Students – The lesson can serve to get the students excited about chess (or chess club) and give them a brief intro to the board, check, and checkmate.
- Option B: Presentation to Teachers and Administration – Helps to demonstrate the value of chess and why they should support the program.
- Option C: Evening presentation to Parents and Students – Helps to demonstrate the value of chess and why they should support the program.
- Option D: Simultaneous chess play with 10 students (Jerry will play up to 10 students at the same time) – Good publicity; Highlights your existing players and generates excitement for the year’s activities.
Available dates & times:
- September 25: 9-10 am, 1-2 pm, 3-4 pm, 7-8 pm
- September 26: 9-10 am, 1-2 pm, 3-4 pm, 7-8 pm
- September 27: 9-10 am, 1-2 pm, 3-4 pm,
- September 30: 9-10 am, 1-2 pm, 3-4 pm, 7-8 pm
Information we need:
- School Name
- Principal
- Principal contact number and email address
- Teacher Name, email, and phone number
- School Address
- Type of School: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Private School, Charter School
- Requested Day/Time. See days and times above. Provide at least two options for days and times.
- What activity option would you want to help your program?
Act Now to Bring Us to Your School in September
Deadline for requests: September 12, 2024 at 5 PM EDT. We will contact you on September 13, 2024 to confirm dates and times for school visits and professional development offerings.
Please use the Google form to select an option: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bbY6fwy3ocb8CWQDGRuSCGUOWVp4FMog0NElX1_jd7o/edit
Due to the limited time available, we will handle requests on a first come first serve basis.
Reminder: any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Paul Roberts (paulroberts@chessineducation.us)